Magical moments with...
There are so many events, but very few that we remember forever. Since our inception over 20 years ago, our mission has been to create a magical moment for our clients that both they and their guests will never forget. Embark with us on a journey that makes your dreams come true. We create experiences that connect people, promote culture and deliver what your brand promises. Our long-standing experience and commitment to impeccable quality in creativeness, organisation and hospitality management produce results that are second to none. After all, it is these magical moments we remember forever and that matter more than anything else in this world.
Our services in the area of
Event Design comprise:
Dinner spectacles
Corporate events
Customer events
Staff events
Private events (e.g. birthdays, weddings, bar mitzvahs)
Brand and product launches
Store openings
Award galas
Charity events
Brand activations
Cultural initiatives
Participant management
Film and video production
Management meetings